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Allergic to Mosquito Bites

 There is one thing that mosquitoes and humans have in common. We all love summer. People go out to swim, party, and play ball games -- and mosquitoes always find a way to join them.

In reality, only the female mosquitoes bite. However, the males are as a nuisance as the females are. They always succeed in annoying us with their persistent buzz that they mostly are able to direct in our ears. 

Some people are tastier to mosquitoes than others. Factors like heat, sweat, body odor, lactic acid, scents, and carbon dioxide make one more prone to mosquito bites. Likewise, not everyone react to mosquito bites in the same manner. Some are just left with tiny red spots that go away after a few days. Others, who are allergic to mosquito bites, have to live with more serious reactions. 

When female mosquitoes bite, they are said to release some type of protein through their saliva that lets them feed better. This particular content in their saliva is the one that causes bump on the skin. However, for people who are allergic to mosquito bites, the protein does not just leave bumps but actually makes blisters appear on the skin. This exaggerated reaction is often accompanied by persistent swelling and can last for several days. Most severe reactions from those allergic to mosquito bites include deadly conditions such as anaphylactic shock.
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