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Saint Croix Scuba Diving

 Abandoned airplanes, coral reefs, bright sponges, spiny lobsters, damaged ships; all these and more you can definitely encounter when you have your own share of Saint Croix scuba diving. What makes the place really interesting is that it is an island in the Caribbean Seas. By the sound of where it belongs, water enthusiasts would be groping to reach the tourist destination. It is the largest territory of the United States Virgin Islands where it comprises of two towns namely Christiansted and Frederiksted. Since they only have a small population, you can be assured that the area is conducive for a vacation getaway.

The Wrecks of Butler Bay is among the best sites for Saint Croix scuba diving. There are two spots that are considered perfect for the professionals because of its depth. One is Rosaomaria that sits 110 feet at the bottom below. The other wreck is called Coakley that was sunk intentionally where it now serves as a habitat for brittle sea stars. If you are fortunate, you can see rays and turtles swimming around. Just for a friendly reminder, make sure that you take notice of all the sandy patches. They are actually home to garden eels and sea cucumbers. There is also a colony of yellow jawfish, porcupine fish and French angelfish that are known to visit the places.

As for the neophytes who want to experience Saint Croix scuba diving, the likes of Suffolk Maid, Northwind and Virgin Islander are highly advisable because they are shallower. Suffolk Maid was originally ruined by tropical storm Klaus and was later transferred to its current location. There is a cargo exposed on the middle portion of the boat which divers can freely explore since there are no more overhead structures. Northwind, on the other hand, used to be an area of studies for researchers. Once inside the confines of the wreckage, anyone can just frolic around together with the abundant marine life. Lastly, Virgin Islander is rectangular in shape where there are plenty of holes across the entire deck. It has been utilized by a lot of people to view the fauna creatures staying inside. 

For Saint Croix scuba diving in the northern reefs of the pier, Chubbs’ Hole, Black Point, Rainbow Reef, Spanish Anchor and Spratt Hole are the most famous. In Chubbs’ Hole, keep your eyes open for a school of jacks. Black Point is regarded as a location where there is a profusion of green moray eels, seahorse and channel clinging crabs. Rainbow Reef is known to be a haven for parrotfish, butterfly fish and trumpetfish. Spanish Anchor is naturally the dwelling of morays, lobsters and tortoise. Spratt Hole is abode to blennies, crabs and shrimps.
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