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 There seems to be any number of appealing Multi-Level Marketing

programs available these days. Our researchers haven't analyzed
them all, but based upon the appeal of those for the
participants--most of them look as though they could put money in
your pockets. However, don't ever delude yourself into thinking
that  multi-level marketing won't cost you anything nor require
much of your time, or work on your part. Indeed, successful
selling, and most assuredly, multi-level marketing, will require
an investment--decication--and a lot of hard work!

However, before you "sign-up" for any MLM deal or begin one of
your own, it's going to pay you to do a little bit of market
research relative to the sales potential of the whole deal. for
instances, if you can sell to a "waiting market" you'll make
money. But if the people you attempt to recruit as duplicates of
yourself feel that they're going to have a hard time selling it
to someone else, then you haven't got much of a winning MLM
program; regardless of how much money you claim they can make, if
only they'll get out there and sell!

This specifically applies to MLM programs that offer "limited
appeal" products such as gourmet recipes, health foods, household
"knick-knacks", books on needlecraft or magazine subscriptions.
Beware also of deals that require you to purchase an inventory or
maintain a certain sales level. Look for the "bad parts" of an
offer, and then weigh these against the ease with which you'll be
able to make a sale. At the bottom line, if you have a hard time
selling it, then the people you recruit to sell it for you will
find it even harder to sell, and that'll be the end of your "big
money" muti-level program.

There are countless reports, manuals, books and other
publications that "supposedly" tell you how to attain riches in
mail order, party plan selling, and even street-corner sales. the
thing is, all of these "how-to" publications try to instruct you
how to put a mailing piece together, how often to send for you
offers out, and even the importance of "neatness & quality"
within your offer, but very few if any come right out and help
you get your offer to your most likely customers. As you know,
unless an interested buyer sees your offer, you're not going to
make any money.

What I'm saying is that most people thrash around,waste time,
spend hundreds of dollars, and never make any money simply
because they don't know how to get their offers to the
people--without it costing them an arm and a leg...

Here's how it's done: Regardless of what your offer entails,put
together the most dynamic and mass-appeal "one-page" advertising
circular you can come up with. As I've so often stated in the
past, the best-selling and most-productive circular is one that
"tells the reader you have a solution to his many money
problems." In other words, with your circular, promise him a way
to make himself rich, and he'll not only be interested,he'll jump
on your program.

Next, make it as easy as possible for the people who see your
offer to respond. That is, addition to an order coupon at the
bottom of the advertising circulars describing your offer, give
him the chance to get involved in your program for least possible
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